16September 2015

Predavanje "BIM: National and International Perspective. What? Why? & How?"


Združenje siBIM vas vljudno vabi na strokovno predavanje, 

“BIM: National and International Perspective.

What? Why? & How?”,

ki ga bo 16.9.2015 ob 16:00 izvedla

Marina Korol

/ CEO of CONCURATOR, consulting company, CEO, Intelligent Construction (non-profit organisation)
Professor of IAAM (International Academy of Architecture, Eurasian Branch in Moscow); Vice Chair (on BIM) of  Tender Procedures and Innovations Committee of National Association of  Surveyors and Design Engineers of Russia; Member of Task Group of Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federal Government on Realization of  National BIM Implementation Plan.


Predavanje bo v prostorih DRI upravljanje investicij, d.o.o., Kotnikova 40, Ljubljana , 1.nadstropje, Predavalnica 1

Dogodek sponzorira podjetje CGS plus d.o.o. 

Predavanje bo potekalo v angleščini in bo (z diskusijo) trajalo 2 uri.

Vsebina predavanja:

  • Pogled na BIM na nacionalnem nivoju. Koristi, ki jih prinaša BIM. 
    / View on BIM at country level. Benefits of BIM.
  • Novi procesi, dokumenti, potrebni standardi  
    / New processes, documents, standards required.
  • Tri glavna področja BIM-a - Komercialno, Izobraževalno, Tehnično - kako se jih lotiti? 
    / Three main areas of BIM – Commercial, Education, Technical – how to address them?
  • Splošni model BIM-programov za javni sektor. Kako začeti?
    / General model of Public Sector BIM Programs. What to start with?
  • Bim-standardi in BIM-mandati. BIM-programi v svetu, s poudarkom na VB in EU
    / BIM standards and BIM mandates. BIM programs worldwide. Focus on the UK and EU.
  • BIM v Rusiji. 2014 - začetek  vladnega BIM-programa v Ruski federaciji.
    / Where BIM lives in Russia today?  2014 – start of Government BIM in Russian Federation.
  • BIM v ostalih državah Evrazijske ekonomske unije (Kazahstan, Belorusija)
    / BIM in other countries of Eurasian Economic Union (Kazakhstan, Belorussia)
  • Akcije in priporočila za Slovenijo
    / Actions and recommendations for Slovenia


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